Dr. M. Chandrasekhar has 21 years of Defense Industrial R&D experience and 11 years of Engineering Teaching experience. He worked as a Senior Manager (R&D) in Missile Technology at Bharat Dynamics, Hyderabad, Ministry of Defense, Government of India. He is known for his contributions to Embedded Test Systems Deployment and has received two national awards for excellence in 2005 and 2007..
Dr. M. Chandrasekhar graduated from Osmania University in 1986 with an M.Sc. (Tech.) in Applied Electronics. He obtained an M.Tech. from the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore in 1994 and a Doctorate in "VLSI Embedded Systems" from SKU Acanthus in 2009. He worked as a scientist at the Plasma Research Institute (IPR) under the Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) before joining the University of Hyderabad as a faculty member. He played a key role in establishing the M.Sc. Electronics program and developed advanced Microprocessors and Applied Lasers labs for the postgraduate program.
Dr. M. Chandrasekhar joined BDL R&D unit and established advanced Embedded Systems research groups. He contributed to the formulation of sub-systems using innovative approaches and developed cost-effective Realtime Hardware In Loop Simulators (HILS). As a Senior Manager, he led quality control for Agni-3 and Agni-5 missile programs, optimizing testing procedures and achieving self-sufficiency in electrical assembly.
Dr. M. Chandrasekhar is a distinguished member of the Board of Governors at JNTU Hyderabad. He is a Fellow of the Instrument Society of India and Sensors Research Society (DRDO). With over 20 years of experience in teaching, research, and R&D management, he has published around 45 research papers and received "Best Paper Awards" for his work in Speech Recognition and Embedded Systems. He is a sought-after keynote speaker and session chairperson at prestigious national and international events, and actively contributes as a member and research supervisor in various universities.
1. M Chandrashekar, K Sudarshan Reddy, U Naresh Kumar, “FPGA Implementation of High Speed Infrared Image Enhancement”. International Journal of Electronic Engineering Research 1 (3), 279-285 , 2009 (Citations ….26)
2. Padmanabham, K Prabhakar, M Chandrashekar, K Nagabhushan Raju, “MIL-STD-1553 BUS PROTOCOL ALGORITHMS IMPLEMENTATION ON FPGA TO REALISE SYSTEM-ONCHIP( SOC)” International Journal of Advanced Technology and Innovative Research (IJATIR … , 2016 (Citations 4)
3. K Padmanabham, K Prabhakar, M Chandrashekar, K Nagabhushan Raju, “A Review of MIL-STD-1553 Bus Trends and Future” International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication … , 2016 (Citations ….3)
4. Brahmanya Sastry, M Chandrashekar. “The Use of Artificial Neural Networks for Automatic Modulation Recognition” S SuInternational Journal of Advanced Technology and Innovative Research (IJATIR … , 2016 (Citations ….1)
5. K Raj, M Chandrashekar, “FPGA based Parallel Filters Error Correction Codes using Hamming Code”,Journal of Test Engineering & Management ISSN: 0193-4120 81 (2019/11), 6329 … , 2019
6. K Raj, M Chandrashekar, “Artificial Intelligence Algorithmic Based Fault Tolerance with OLC Codes for Parallel Fault Detection and Correction FFT Soc Design” International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 2019
7. K Raj, M Chandrashekar, “FPGA Based Parallel Filters for Failure Recovery”International Conference on Recent Developments in Control, Automation …, 2019
8. P Jeethendra, M Chandrashekar, “Accuracy of Telugu Language Speech Recognition corresponding to Size of the Speech Corpus Database” International Journal of Computer Technology & Applications, 8 (3), 349-360 , 2017
9. P Jeethendra, M Chandrashekar, “Linear Predictive Coding and Cepstral Analysis for Telugu Speech Recognition” International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) 47 (1), 50-60 , 2017
10. S Muralikrishna, M Chandrashekar, “Determination with Deep Learning and One Layer Neural Network for Image Processing in MultiSlice CTAngiogram” International Journal of Engineering Research and Application www.ijera.com … , 2017
11. S Muralikrishna, M Chandrashekar, “Digital Image Processing Assessment in Multi Slice CT Angiogram using Liner, Non-Liner and BothClassifiers”, International Journal of Engineering Research and Application www.ijera.com … , 2017
12. P. Jeethendra , M. Chandrashekar , “Recent Trends in Speech Recognition approaches and its application for Telugu Language for Speech &Hearing Impaired” International Journal of Latest Transactions in Engineering and Science 1 (4 … , 2017
13. P Jeethendra, M Chandrashekar, “Recent Trends in Speech Recognition approaches and its application for Telugu Language for Speech &Hearing Impaired”, International Journal of Latest Transactions in Engineering and Science 1 … , 2017
14. M Chandrashekar, K Nagabhushan Raju, “FPGA BASED EMBEDDED SYSTEM FOR OBJECT TRACKING”.
Published Book ISBN-13 : 978-3-659-955-3, ISBN-10 : 3659955273 , EAN …, 2016
15. K Padmanabham, K Prabhakar, M Chandrashekar, K Nagabhushan Raju, “MIL-STD-1553 BUS PROTOCOLS IP CORE IMPLEMENTATION IN FPGA TO REALISE SYSTEM-ONCHIP (SOC) :TESTING, VALIDATION & ANALYSIS”,International Journal of Advancements in Research & Technology 5 (8), 29-35 , 2016
16. S Subrahmanya Sastry, M Chandrashekar, “An Expert Discrete Wavelet Adaptive Network Based Fuzzy Inference System for Digital ModulationRecognition” International Journal of VLSI System Design and Communication Systems 4 (6 … , 2016
17. S Subrahmanya Sastry, M Chandrashekar, “Adaptive Procedure for Automatic Modulation Recognition” International Journal of VLSI System Design and Communication Systems 4 (6 … , 2016
18. S Subrahmanya Sastry, M Chandrashekar’ “Recognition of Digital Modulated Signals Based on Statistical Parameters” International Journal of Advanced Technology and Innovative Research 8 (6 … , 2016
19. K Padmanabham, K Prabhakar, M Chandrashekar, K Nagabhushan Raju, “DESIGN APPROACH FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF BRIDGE BETWEEN MIL-STD-1553 BUS AND GIGABIT ETHERNET” International Journal of Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields 8 (1), 19-25 , 2016
20. K Padmanabham, K Prabhakar, M Chandrashekar, K Nagabhushan Raju, “DSP Based Embedded System with MIL-STD-1553 Bus Interface for Altitude Measurements Using FMCW Technique” International Journal of Electronic Engineering Research 3 (1), 39